Monday, April 14, 2008


UBUNTU 8.04?!?! ZOMG!

Nice Ubuntu nice. Now I wont be bored as I upgrade all the computers I have to the new Ubuntu. Hopefully there will be a migration tool that just lets me upgrade.

With two of the best features, ever!

From the site:

ActiveDirectory integration

Likewise Open, available from the universe repository, enables seamless integration of Ubuntu within an Active Directory network. Users can use their AD credentials to log onto Ubuntu machines and access any kerberized services provided by an Ubuntu Server.

You've technically always been able to do this, but now there's a tool to keep me from having to script and poll info. Yea!


WinFOSS and the Windows open source software have been replaced by umenu, a simple launcher that lets the user install Ubuntu from Windows using Wubi, install Ubuntu to a partition without having to make their CD-ROM the first boot device, and find out more about Ubuntu at the website.

While I'm not a supporter of being a noob, I will have to say that this will makes all the noobs lives easier. You did read that right? INSTALL IT WITH NO CD FROM INSIDE WINDOWS! Brilliant. A+ for Ubuntu F- for Parker!

AARONHAUN.IS-A-GEEK.NET is DOWN! I forgot to turn it on before I left. Also that place who said they would pay me for my post hasn't responded. I figured it was another dead end. I will post some sites that I actually do make money from monthly on here in case any of you noobs are poor like me and need some extra $$$$. Also, I keep typing noob and the spell checker says I'm spelling it wrong. SPELL CHECK YOU ARE A NOOB!


P4rk3r said...

I hope this will have better support for ATI cards.

A+++++++ for me

P4rk3r said...

Press Alt-F2 and type update-manager --devel-release

Haun said...

I don't remember where I saw it but they did mention something about Catalyst actually opening after you install it finally. It's on the Ubuntu site somewhere I just don't remember where.

Did you start a character on the L.O.R.D. site I sent you? If you did, I'll kill you. If you didn't, you're a nub. Either way, make one here instead telnet

They have better games there

Whats the devel-release supposed to do? Go get the latest whatever?

97% almost 55 agBot is the best thing to ever happen to silkroad.

P4rk3r said...

If it wasnt for me finding that bot, Kickmurda, Gallatin, and you would still be 1 lvl lower and oohFace, TurboJesus, and yummyturk wouldnt even exist.

Delevel release is suppose to update your current version of ubuntu to 8.04.

P4rk3r said...


I fucking died, god damnit

Haun said...

I feel your pain. Saythein and Codex both died 3 times in a row last night in the cave trying to kill and giant party bug thing. Omg it was annoying and also counter productive.