It's really funny how "experts" release all of these tools for "testing" network security. They really release tools for breeching network security. And this OS is nothing but exploit and cracking tools. From Cisco routers to NT password, port sniffers network jammers DOS tools whatever you want and it's on a live cd. I tried my best to install it on a hard drive but the repositories are out of date and they aren't working right. I could change them and go through all the steps just to get it on my drive but why. Do I really want a trace of this on my pc anyway? I'm almost ready to release my custom distribution and I think that I may have to include all of these tools. My boot loader would work really well with this because it doesn't let you boot into the OS directly. You'll have to put the loader files on a usb drive, unpack the os onto your hard drive, and boot to the usb drive. It has the location of the files saved and boots to that folder. Totally unnecessary but I don't care.
exactly what i need!
It is exactly what you need. For sure not to over stimulate the GPU. Don't you go to a school that is just begging for hax? I'm pretty sure they said parker < 31337. You gotta get a sniffer behind enemy lines. If I was a better graphic artist I would have so many silkroad passwords but I can't make this keylogger work outside or a console :( I can't fool anyone with a console window.
listen, get a working keylogger, and put it in a sro bot that looks legit and is bigger than 5 mb. Ill make a torrent of it and see how many ppl we get to bite.
Or we can do it the old fashion way, tell people you will send them links to a bot or free gold or someshit, get their email, and we can probably get a couple of accounts in no time.
I think so atleast.
ROFL! Parker that is fantastic. The keylogger I vision is a screen that looks like the silkroad user/pass thing but when you click submit it sends me the info. The user is left saying wt hold the f. They delete the program and say I'm a bad programmer. Be like instead of opening a loader and connector and a bot you just login here and click go. It's so easy a turk could do it. And hopefully they will.
I'm not sure how I just suddenly became gnu but I guess I'll be that.
Im going to do that when i get home. Go around jangan, talking to noobs with lvl 4+ guilds, asking for there email, cus chances are there username is the same as their first character name. Hopefully they have guild storage and take all their shit in storage.
I wont be bored tonight.
I'm working on a spam script while I do these back ups. We need to totally overwhelm the spam bots in the town with our bot. We also need a name that's a little shorter than the survey. We can make it like the teamgameover.info page that just redirects you to the right page and never tells you the address.
Also I can make a Flash interface that will save the info in a txt file but make the extension like .pk2 so they won't think it's text. When they press send flash can open bot.exe which is actually tftpd.exe and a bat file compiled in xp. The bat file connects tftpd to my ftp server and uploads the ".pk2" file in the background without them noticing. As long as I can can tftpd to work that way, this method will be easy.
The spam bot has arrived!
Download that. I opened sro, and alt-tab back to my desktop. Then started recording, clicked sro, clicked in the chat box, typed, hit enter, went through a few sentences, alt-tab back out to desktop and stopped record. When i replayed, it did exactly what I recorded.
fucking sweet. A even better news, new version of agbot is out.
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