Tuesday, November 8, 2022

rando IT bag

So many, bags of random possibly useful somehow IT "equipment's. So many. So random.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Look at this shit. Not my best work. Still got the dragon ball though 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

lol look

Do you know what they're doing? 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

elite trackball

I've been staring at this thing online for like 5 years. So I said enough and bought the thing.

Is meh.... 

elecom ex-6 pro trackball.

8 configurable buttons, option to wire, be wireless or use Bluetooth. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Buy Me Cool Stuff

 I need cool shit to keep me poor enough to still need to work. Like this shit right here: $95 Deck of Ares Goeteia Tarot Cards

Here is what all it comes with:

Anyone who is cool enough to buy me one will get a free handjob from the gentleman of their choice. Yes it has to be a guy I'm sorry. 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

like I left my keys inside

  •  Once upon a time, in 2009, 
  • I didn't have any rhymes but I had this fucking Blog,
  • it was fine, I resigned when I
  • got the sign it was time to play POG. ;
  • Like a damn Kool-Aid I brought the Jammer, 
  • Strapped with the Power Ranger Solid Metal Slammer, 
  • Hit it on right on the nail, guess whose nice with a hammer?
  • You came in here God damned, shit now you just got God Damn--er

That was a poem about how I stopped writing this blog in 2009 because I was compelled to go Ronin & take my Power Rangers POG slammer with... And then I boast of my skill with present hammer having found its mark true. Nippon! That's a martial arts joke for all of you Pinks who are reading this thinking I type Nippon! for my own amusement. I do everything for the people.

I give you guys gold all of the time and it's just wasted way up there in the rafters high above the all of your favorite low hanging fruits. And then being as one who were God damned before arrival  I demand floor of your attention as, behold!, "Shit," comes just before I declare you to be God Damned even some more still!

And no. I'm not going to do what everyone thinks and make up some lie about what I've been doing for the last 13 years. 13 years holy shit. holy fucking holy shit! Makes me want to take a shit! into your asshole and then you shit my shit. I'm gonna,,,, shit in your shitter, then you'll shit my sshhiiittt!!! That's a working title for the Hymn I'm writing to celebrate this righteous blog still existing. Why did I make so many different blogs? Why did everyone leave MySpace for Facebook? Why has AIM not replaced SMS and WHERE IS MY AOL PROFILE?!?!?

me:  A/S/L?
broken dreams: just go home bro...
me:  meh ugggzz

See I didn't even try to make that one good. I put more effort into coloring the dialog than to putting any ummphh into the content. That's what Apple would do and they're doing alright still somehow. I suppose they have their cult almost blind enough to cut their wrists on their super thin mirror chromed knife blade of an iSlicE, see the blood flowing out and call for a genius to help. they bleed out while on hold verifying their Apple ID. IDGAF if they ever get their stupid iTunes library restored fuck them. And their dummy airdrop. more like air NOT. 

theres still some heat there i guess.

Why are these ppl still fighting each other? 2009, things were different.. right??  We don't have 1 company that puts out like 3 or 4 products and we have all of the answers on how to fix and use them because of this fact? 

The effort to unify standards and work together to make better shit for the purpose of making shit better... that's where I thought we would be right now. I don't know why but I just thought after 13 years we would have become better and we have for sure taken a few steps back in that regard.

I promise though, if that guy from 2009 was here now he wouldn't be impressed with anything anywhere anyway. If I had become a trillionaire gigolo or homeless like my 2nd ex wife it would be the same. That fucker would hate on it because it's there and he ain't dead yet. 

So Blackberry.... they aren't a thing anymore at all. Sometimes if we love something we have to let it go. That is a statement made by a fucking moron who wants you to think you're better off alone than having steady streaks of morning sex and having the same conversation about dinner until you are annoyed with each other beyond comprehension. No, if you love something, place your penis inside of it. And if it comes back, it was meant to be. I challenge those you who accept challenges that they cannot win to make a fool of me by proving that untrue. 

 I wonder how cool I was... I don't think that was a good year for checking in on how amazing I'm doing at this life stuff. I don't remember but it must have happened. ive got the photos and the receipts! 

For one thing, I somehow feel younger now than 2009. I know for sure I would beat the living shit out of that guy lol just stomp his ass out however I wanted. He didn't have anything that could prevent me from ripping his ball sack off and sewing it onto mine! haha yes giving my balls a set of balls as well. If they had balls then the first balls (my real balls) would be like Grand Balls. 

Friends, we all have some Grand Balls in our families. We cant do anything except just pray that this world and that ol devil don't keep them in sin forever. fuck them all and may the all be fornicated upon against their wishes 

you know me and family. I never knew my Grand Balls so  I'm lashing out to not go crashing shout.... 


no THE POINT of opening this blog post in the first place

I want to be sure that I've made it clear that I hate everything about EUFI; I hate secure boot; I hate TPM; I hate all things Hyper Visor; I hate the new COD games; 

Eufi, more like fk eu-fi! or Eufi, more like BBBOOOOO -fe!. I'm gonna save my others for later. It is all of the time leaving me SCREW-fi'd. Here's the deal:

I got an install of 11 that I dont want to fuck up. It works fine except for it will freeze when a video capture source is active in an OBS scene. tried other cameras. tried different profiles. tried reinsall. tried all types of shit I bought a capture card to do dual setup. I bought a streamdeck. I want my mother fucking streaming shit to run of my monster computer not a crapppy laptop as a secondary that is also running the camera. I can rig it up with NDI, but I shouldn't have to!

So, I bought new hard drive. Gonna install fresh copy of 11 on different drive and see if I get the same issue with the freezing up. I'm now writing 11 Enterprise to a USB drive to do this. I have done this 4 times already today. But, it isn't booting! I'm using Rufus, and Rufus ain't no dufus! It's version available in Portable Apps directory. I have now downloaded the real version feel good about my chances of the more updated version working with 11 the way that it should. 

BUT I know 11 is set to install from that USB drive. when i plug it in it shows win 11 setup disc. so it won't boot and it's pissing me off. All I need, is for that USB drive to be marked as bootable. In exploring that I came across this from Joe Glessner



It then goes into stuff about extracting boot files form a windows cd. I dont want that I just want the disk to be marked bootable. WELL I screwed that up. 

THE CLEAN COMMAND.... she's an unforgiving cunt. 

So,that was not the fix I needed BUT still I felt it was worthy of mention. So many folks like Joe here have offered their time and talent to make this possible. Listen, because this is our world:
I want something, I ask for it, someone has gone out of their way to usually for nothing in return to provide me with so many different tools and ways to use them. 

It's like they made the content just for me and to those ppl I sometimes feel you need a tip jar or something because lets face it, without you mother fuckers loving this shit and allowing it to be more than a mentionable factor in your real life for the love of the game, there's no such thing as shit like IT Departments, flame wars on mostly appears to be threads filled with opinions and arguments, there's no answer for the problem!

  • Now what. What will your precious iNard offer you when you need help? 
  • What without the answer right in your face?!? 
  • How many books do you have to read? 
  • How many classes? 
  • Hours? 
  • MONIES! 
  • How many times do you just flat out FAIL because you have hit the end of what you know. 

And there's no one for you to ask anything about it. Call Microsoft? Call Adobe? Bro, it's not possible without IT forums. Your world revolves around it. Everyones life is depending on us giving a fuck about whether your technology works right or not. And suppose Noobs, we decide, NO. We won't help you anymore and we'll beat your up if you try to install fking AVG and MalWareBytes on the same machine I swear you'll catch an ass beating for that Rook!

Thanks Joe. You are the #1 Joe of all IT everywhere as far as I'm concerned  and you may now refer to yourself as Master Joe. And others must do the same or be pointed at and everyone laughs like they dropped their tray in the lunch line.